July 30, 2024

Electricians: Frontlines of Promoting Energy Efficiency

Part II in a series that looks at growing job opportunities in the clean energy sector

We all take electricity for granted. Flip the switch, lights come on. Plug in coffee maker, brewing begins. Heat rises outside, thermostats lower inside. We assume electricity will always be there, running in the background.

Until it’s not.

The power outage that makes our house a freezer in the winter and a sauna in the summer, costs us a refrigerator full of food, and prevents us from – horror – charging our phones throws a wrench in our lives.

As populations increase, consumption keeps pace and energy sources gradually deplete. Energy efficiency becomes more than a nicety; it becomes essential to offset finite fossil fuel sources and protect our wallets from rising electrical expenses.

Electricians play a vital role in energy efficiency. They usher in innovation and are on the front lines of initiating efficiency practices at the beginning of new construction as well as retrofitting existing construction.

Here are just a few examples:

  1.     Wiring efficiently to prevent waste and reduce power to save on electric bills
  2.     Properly installing energy efficient systems so that systems are performing as they should
  3.     Servicing energy-efficient appliances to extend lifespan of equipment and maintain savings
  4.     Conducting energy audits to determine leak locations that can be plugged
  5.     Fitting buildings with energy-saving technologies, such as solar panels, LED lighting systems, smart grids


The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics maintains that we will need 80,000 new electricians annually to keep our country running. Now is the perfect time to explore careers in the high-demand, lucrative electrical field.

The electrical industry is evolving, and Building Omaha is educating – and employing – electrical professionals to not only stay current but anticipate future needs. Be a part of this exciting future with Building Omaha.  Propel your career to a future that includes clean, renewable energy with Building Omaha.

Building Omaha is a partnership between the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW).